viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

La Bicicleta Rosada - The Pink Bike

Este es un tesoro que andaba esperando por mí. Hace unos días cuando caminaba por el Centro de Lima haciendo unas gestiones,  volteo veo a un artesano ambulante, que con una destreza sin igual, con alicate en mano y algo de alambre creaba interesantes objetos.

This is a treasure that was waiting for me. A few days ago when I was walking at downtown of Lima, I found a craftsman who with pliers and some wire, create wonderful things.

Obviamente mis ojos se enamoraron de esta preciosa mini bicleta, la palma de mi mano es más grande que ella. 

Of course I felt in love with this cutie tiny bike. It's no more big than my hand. 

Está hecha cuidando el más mínimo detalle, los pedales, el asiento, el espejo ... Una verdadera joya. 
The bike is made taking care of the smallest details, the pedals, the seat, the mirror ... a true treasure.

Estoy muy feliz de haberla encontrado. I'm very happy to find it.

Linking to: Pink Saturday de Beverly

6 comentarios:

  1. The little pink bike is absolutely adorable! I collect all things miniatures and I’m sure it would have come home with me. I’m so happy to visit with you, I will be your newest follower.
    Happy Pink!

  2. A beautiful pink bike! Your post made me smile. Have a good weekend and enjoy!

  3. Que trabalho mais fofo Charo,também amei.Bom sabado amiga.Beijo.Valéria.

  4. That is just the cutest! I want a life size neon pink biked. Have a totally awesome and incredible pink Saturday

  5. Yo tambien me enamoraria de ella, que adorable es!
    Gracias a 'su mersed niña Charo' por su linda visita! (expresion indigena, jeje)
    Q tengas una linda semana.

  6. too darling for words! happy pink saturday! xo


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.