sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Centro de mesa Rosa - Rose centrepiece

Hoy es Sábado Rosa, tiempo de ver todo en rosa, gracias a Beverly, vayan a visitar a todas nuestras amigas en rosa.

Today is Pink Saturday, time to look all in pink, thanks Beverly, go on an visit all the sweet pink friends.

Hay las rosas, son tan románticas!!!

Para trabajar con las rosas, hay que quitarles todas las hojas y espinas, quitarles pétalos que estén rotos, cortar los tallos en diagonal y dejarlas tomar agua.

Ayudándonos de una esponja floral las acomodamos, unas cuantas rosas blancas para combinar y listo.

Oh the roses, are so romantic!!!

To work with the roses, you must cut down all the leaves, remove the old and broken petals, cut the stems on the diagonal and put them in vase with water.

Then, helping with a florist foam, arregement them into the vase, a few white roses and that's all.

25 comentarios:

  1. Charo what beautiful roses. They are so wonderful. Happy Pink Saturday. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  2. Happy PS Charo. Those are lovely roses.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  3. They are beautiful...and yes, very romantic! Lovely display.

  4. Good morning Charo. I agree, roses are the most romantic flower and soooo beautifu. Thanks for the tip on how to cut them. Your roses are stunning.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  5. Oh Charo, you are so right, roses are so romantic aren't they, yours are gorgeous and the color is perfect, have a great week and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  6. The pink roses are perfect, Charo!
    happy pinks...xo Tami

  7. Your pink roses are beautiful. Love them!!

  8. So charming. I love it.
    Happy pink Saturday and nice weekend !
    Love Rini the Netherlands

  9. Your flowers are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a great day.

  10. As usual, I am not disappointed with all of the pink goodies I get to see on Pink Saturday. With fall in the air and the days getting shorter, Pink Saturday is going to be more important than ever to bring a little sunshine into my home.

    Your post this week was extra special!

    Wishing you a weekend filled with good food, good company and much l♥ve.

  11. Hello, Charo,
    Your roses are so pretty and romantic! You know that roses are one of my very favorite things. Blessings to you and thank you for stopping by Bunny Cottage! Vicki

  12. Beautiful roses my friend. Happy Pink Saturday! Blessings, Martha

  13. Happy Pink Saturday....it is a beautiful day but I am stuck inside feeling yucky..so here I sit visiting you !!!!!
    God Bless You and keep you this week..

  14. Hi, Happy Pink Saturday! Very pretty pink on your blog this week.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  15. so lovely! happy pink Saturday!

  16. So romantic and beautiful, love your post!! From AK;)

  17. Holá!
    Mas que lindas coisas feitas com rosas,adorei,vou seguir-te
    Bjs e bom domimgo

  18. Hola charo, estoy intrigada, que es eso del sabado rosa?, tenía ganas de preguntartelo, porque suena tan bien, y es como si se tratara de alguna practica secreta, para unas pocas iniciadas. que curiosidad!. un beso

  19. That is a gorgeous arrangement of roses. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I'm still, on Sunday, visiting PS posts and wishing you a wonderful week.

  20. What gorgeous roses,Charo! Thank you for sharing them and Happy Pink Sabado y Domingo!

  21. What LOVELY pink roses and nifty tips for how to create such bouquets ourselves. Thanks ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  22. Hola Charo! Estoy visitando a las amigas y poniendomé al día, gracias por tus comentarios y por pasar por mí blog, las extrañé mucho!

  23. Tarde... pero seguro!
    Espero que hayas tenido un hermoso y feliz sabado rosa!



Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.