sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

El Mago Rosa - The Pink Wizard

Es otro Sábado Rosa, tiempo para visitar a Beverly y a las demás participantes de esta sensacional fiesta. Another Pink Saturday, time to visit Beverly and the others sweets friends to enjoy this wonderful party.

Hoy nos rodea la magia. Today, the magic surround us.

Este mago esconde bajo su sombrero un incienso, que aromatiza el ambiente con un suave aroma a rosas. This wizard hides under his hat a stick of incense that fresh the air with a sweet scense of roses.

Happy Pink Saturday!

18 comentarios:

  1. muy original Charo! ...me gusta...
    un abrazo, OLga

  2. SO cute...I need some of that pink magic right now! I'll be posting about it Monday...but send some my way, please:)

  3. Cute! My friend loves dragons and wizards, I'll have to send her over to check it out.

    Happy PS!

  4. What a cute little wizard. I was looking at your tablescape. I love those dishes! And that vase of flowers is stunning.

  5. Cute one!
    Happy Pink Saturday Charo.

  6. All is beauty Charo! Me encanta todo en rosa, especialmente los Happy Pink Saturday! que lindo es tu blog Charo, besooss de Chile! gloria

  7. Happy Pink Saturday, Charo! Oh, that wizard looks pretty cute in pink and I'm sure he smells wonderful too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Oh, how cute...and I like the idea of rose for the incense. Happy Pink Saturday, Charo :)

  9. what an enchanting incense holder
    Happy weekend to you

  10. hola charo precioso mago y aroma a rasa es una maravilla me encanto y la mesa una maravilla feliz domingo moni

  11. Your wizard is a stunning treasure.
    Happy 4th of July.. hugs ~lynne~

  12. Hello! Happy Pink Saturday! I hope you have a terrific day! Love the scent of roses! Great way to have them come to you,

  13. He needed pink to make him appear more friendly :-). What a perfect find for Pink Saturday. I hope you had a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  14. Hola Charo! Gracias por venir a mi blog ayer, siempre es tan apreciado. Me encanta su asistente rosa .. tiene una maravillosa semana!

    PS I love Google Translate!

  15. Very unique piece. I like it very much.

  16. Que esse mago possa trazer muitas energias boas pra sua casa!!!!!!

  17. Hola Charo
    muy bonita la decoración del rincón de tu cocina
    me ha gustado mucho,
    la mesa para tus invitados es muy elegante
    y mis felicitaciones a la ganadora del sorteo.. espero lo disfrute mucho
    .. un besote....cuídate
    * ANUSKA *


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.