miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Detalle romántico - Romantic detail

Una gran sorpresa tocó a mi puerta hace unos días, unas encantadoras rosas, me las enviaba mi querido esposo. A big surprise came to my door a few days ago, some lovely roses, my dear hubby sent them to me.

No es necesario que sea una fecha especial, sino ser espontáneos. Detalles como estos son los que te hacen sentir que eres especial! It is not necessary that it is a special date, only to be spontaneous.  Details like these are those that make you feel that you are special!

Disfruten de la Vida! Enjoy Life!

16 comentarios:

  1. Hola Charo
    Qué linda sorpresa! Muy bonitas esas rosas!

  2. wow! que linda sorpresa! que amor tu esposo! a disfrutar de esas bellezas!
    un beso

  3. Charo, enhorabuena una sorpresa muy bonita y tal como dices no hace falta que exista un día especial, todos los dias lo son para también sentirnos especiales. Besos. Ana.

  4. qe regalo de esposo eh !!! me conseguis uno igual? o paresido aunqe sea.... je je besote..

  5. Beautiful flowers! Thank you for visiting me today..have a good week!


  6. Precioso detalle!!! Esta es una de esas pequeñas cosas que al recordar nos arranca una sonrisa.

  7. Charo, what a lovely surprise! These are an exquisite color and a sweet gesture.


    Sheila :-)

  8. Charo, what a wonderful man. Give him a kiss from me. All husbands should remember to do this more often. I love a sentimental man!

  9. Hi Charo,
    this is true love, isn't it. All who have such husbands are blessed, this includes me, too. It is always nice to get such wonderful flowers.
    Charo, I have my first blog party "International Christmas Cookies". Wouldn't you like to participate with an special cookie recipe? Do you bake cookies for christmas in Peru? The link is open until Nov. 6.
    I wish you a nice time.
    Greetings, Johanna

  10. Charo que dulce detalle, muy importante conservar la ilusión durante todas las etapas del matrimonio, disfruta esas bellas rosas .Besos.Olga.

  11. Hi Charo! Oh, this was a wonderful surprise! Your roses are so beautiful and what a sweet husband to send a little love your way! Thank you for visiting me and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Charo, how fun to receive an unexpected delivery of beautiful roses from your sweet husband! They are gorgeous -- yellow ones are just special, I think. Thank you for your kind comments on my table this week!

  13. Pues tienes un esposo muy detallista.

  14. Què amor tu esposo y qué bellas rosas!!!!

  15. The roses are beautiful and such a sweet and loving (no-reason) gift from your husband. :)


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.