jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Una Boda/Una Fiesta - A Wedding/A Party

Bienvenidos a la fiesta Anual de Bodas que organiza nuestra querida Stephanie en Angelic Accents. Welcome to the annual Wedding party that hostess our sweet friend Stephanie in Angelic Accents.

Hablar de una boda, es pensar en mil cosas,  la Iglesia, el Vestido, Flores, la Torta, las Fotos etc, y la Fiesta soñada. Talk about a wedding is to think in thousand things, the Church, the Dress,  Flowers, The Cake, Photos, etc, and the "Dreaming Reception Party".

Una boda es un gran acontecimiento, y como todo gran acontecimiento se debe celebrar con mucha alegría y felicidad. A wedding is a great event and as every big event should be celebrated with much joy and happiness.

Esta soy yo en el día de mi boda ..... hace ya varios años.
 That's me on my wedding day ..... some years ago.

Hoy en día para organizar la recepción de la boda existen infinidad de posibilidades, la decoración se puede elegir en base a un color, un estilo (vintage, moderno, tradicional etc) o un tema, lo puedes celebrar en el campo, en la playa, en un club o en una casa. Today to organize the wedding reception are countless possibilities, we can choose the decoration based in a color, a style (vintage, clasic, moderm) or a theme. 

Les presento algunas ideas realmente hermosas para decorar el fiesta soñada! Here I present you some really beautiful ideas to decor the dreaming party!

En tonos verde y rosa, una combinación casi perfecta, elegantes mesas llenas de velas perfumadas. In pink and green, an almost perfect combination, elegant tables full of scented candles.

De un blanco impecable, muy clásico, los faroles de papel que da este toque especial. Inmaculate white, very classic, the paper lanterns get the special touch.

En dorado y con algunas flores de colores atrevidos, las jaulas de pájaros son sumamente decorativas como centro de mesas. In gold, with some fantastic flowers, the bird cages are highly decorative centerpieces.                                            

Con aire Shabby Chic, arañas  preciosas, rosas en tonos pastel y exquisitos cupcakes. In Shabby Chic style, lovely chandeliers, beautiful pink roses and delicious cupcakes.

Con aire francés muy clásico, esos majestuosos arreglos florales le dan una elegancia sin igual. French style, very classic, these majestic floral arregements give an unparalleled elegance.

Al aire libre, con un toque rústico. Outdoor, with rustic touch.

Algo muy tropical, lleno de color! Something tropical, colorful!

Una idea moderna y elegante. An elegant and modern idea.

Amo las Bodas!!!
Love Weddings!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Fotos 2-5 via: Once Wed
Fotos 6-11 Via: Style Me Pretty

Posteado para: Linking to:
Pink Saturday de Beverly

38 comentarios:

  1. Charo, you were a beautiful Bride. The selection of reception pictures are delightful!

  2. Oh Charo, what a beautiful bride you were!!! I love that picture--the flowers, the veil--just totally glorious!! And you looked so happy! And what gorgeous reception pictures too...tres chic!!! Thank you for this beautiful post.

  3. Charo, the flowers you chose for your wedding were beautiful ... as are the party planning ideas you've shared. I especially love the Shabby Chic idea tonight.

  4. Very pretty. You were a beautiful bride. Karie

  5. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your special day with us!
    Monica x

  6. What a beautiful post...you look so nice in your wedding dress !!...enjoy your weekend darling....love Ria...xxx...

  7. Charo a mi me pasa lo mismo, me gusta muchisimo todo lo relacionado con este mundo, has elegido unas imagenes preciosas. Un beso y feliz fin de semana. Ana.

  8. Beautiful bride and gorgeous bouquet!

  9. Love the beautiful photo of you ... you were just glowing ! Thanks for sharing the other lovely photos too.

  10. Hi Charo,
    You are just gorgeous, a beautiful bride my friend. I love your headpiece.
    All the different style decorations and tables are fantastic to see. So many wonderful ideas.
    Always enjoy my visit sweetie.
    Have a special weekend.
    XO Celestina Marie

  11. What a beautiful bride you were!! And you look so happy!!
    Awesome post!

  12. Hermosas fotos que nos muestras, una boda es TODO un acontecimiento. Te ves muy linda en tu foto, muy buen fin de semana,

  13. You looked so pretty on your wedding day! Beautiful inspiration photos! Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love your post. I think we are on the same wave length. Come see me, please....

  15. Oh, what a lovely bride you were! :)

    Lots of great wedding ideas too!

  16. What a princess bride you were, Charo. Elegant & fabulous wedding settings.
    TTFN ~

  17. Ahhhhh, you looked so pretty on your wedding day! Your bouquet of flowers was so colorful.

    Great collection of festive wedding photos, too.

  18. Hola Charo, gracias por tu visita. Me facinan tus fotos, sobre todo la idea de usar jaulas para decorar las mesas. A mi tambien me encantan las bodas.

    Espero que podamos visitar mas a menudo.

  19. You were such a beautiful bride! Your dress and flowers were gorgeous.

  20. Very beautiful and inspiring!
    many blessings!

  21. What a beautiful post and pictures! Love everything! Hugs Marilou

  22. Very pretty bride. All beautiful pictures, lovely table settings.

  23. Every single one of these pictures is beautiful..the most beautiful of all is YOU..such a pretty lady.
    xo bj

  24. Hermosa entrada, tu blog esta fantástico.
    un gusto visitarte, Estabas muy linda el día de tu boda.


  25. Beautiful! You made such a pretty bride!


  26. ¡Ibas preciosa!
    Me encanta tu ramo y tu diadema de flores ¡qué bonita!...yo también llevé una pero de nardos y mi ramo fué un pequeño bouquet con estas flores y pequeñas rosas en color marfil
    ...Es un día tan especial... Como tú, Amo las Bodas
    Un Beso

  27. Oh my sweetness I love the picture of the lace and your bouquet! I also adore your picture of you in your wedding gown, so pretty.Thank you for sharing such a pretty post!

  28. Dear Charo, thanks sooo very much for joining the Wedding Blog party. I just knew you would have such lovelies to share! You made such a beautiful bride! Love the bouquet you carried and the garland of flowers in your hair is so special. You look sooo very happy and pretty! I love all the images you've shared. I think my favorite has to be the first pink/green one, although the French style reception is stunning also!!

    Such a lovely post, my dear friend!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  29. Todo bellisimo y muy buenos datos y consejos.
    te ves lindísima en la foto!!
    Saludos y que tengas buena semana

  30. What a petty bride you were!
    Each and every table has so many wonderful and interesting details. I'm going to go back and spend some more time to soak it in!
    Beautiful offering!

  31. Hi Charo: Your post is beautiful. What lovely pictures you have shared with us. Have a great week dear friend. Blessings, Martha

  32. You looked stunning on your wedding day.
    I loved your choice of flowers. So pretty!

    The wedding ideas are all so sweet.

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful ideas.


  33. Muy lindo todo, y te ves preciosa el día de tu boda, las flores bellísimas.

  34. I love to attend weddings and those pictures are all so pretty

    you were a beautiful bashful bride

  35. Oh Charo,
    Que foto tan bonita de ti en el dia de tu boda...Lindisimo recuerdo. Deseandote un hermoso dia querida amiga.


  36. You were such a beautiful bride!

  37. Gracias! I am happy you showed us all these lovely tables. Your wedding photograph is so beautiful (so are you).. Many blessings, marlis


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.