This Saturday is special, we are celebrating the Fourth Birthday of the Pink spirit. Life, beauty and frienship view from the prespective of "Pink", a very special way of living and feeling.
Gracias Beverly. que cada Sábado convoca a esta fiesta, Los Sábados Rosa son para compartir y celebrar la amistad y las cosas bellas de la vida. Thanks Beverly, a wonderful hostess. The Pink Saturday is a party for celebrate and share friendship and beautiful things.
Les dejo con una pequeña muestra de mis cositas llenas de espíritu Pink! Here some of my Pink treasures that I made, full of Pink!:
Una linda Macetita - A cute little Pot
Mis Cojines Shabby Chic - My Shabby Chic Pillows
Una Acuarela - A Watercolor paint
Mi Pizarra Inspiradora - My Inspirational Board
Centro de Mesa - Centerpiece
Un tierno osito - A cute Teddy Bear
Camino de Mesa - Table Runner
Un Cojín para la Cama - A Bedroom Pillow
Happy Fourth Birthday
Pink Saturday!!!!
Posteado para Pink Saturday de Beverly