viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

Happy Fourth Birthday Pink Saturday

Un Sábado especial, celebramos cuatro años de este espíritu "Rosa".  La vida, la belleza, la amistad vista desde la prespectiva del rosado, un modo muy especial de vivir y sentir.

This Saturday is special, we are celebrating the Fourth Birthday of the Pink spirit. Life, beauty and frienship view from the prespective of "Pink", a very special way of living and feeling.

Gracias Beverly. que cada Sábado convoca a esta fiesta, Los Sábados Rosa son para compartir y celebrar la amistad y las cosas bellas de la vida. Thanks Beverly, a wonderful hostess. The Pink Saturday is a party for celebrate and share friendship and beautiful things.

Les dejo con una pequeña muestra de mis cositas llenas de espíritu Pink! Here some of my Pink treasures that I made, full of Pink!:

 Una linda Macetita - A cute little Pot

 Mis Cojines Shabby Chic - My Shabby Chic Pillows

 Una Acuarela - A Watercolor paint

 Mi Pizarra Inspiradora - My Inspirational Board

 Centro de Mesa - Centerpiece

 Un tierno osito - A cute Teddy Bear

Camino de Mesa - Table Runner 

Un Cojín para la Cama - A Bedroom Pillow

Happy Fourth Birthday
Pink Saturday!!!!

Posteado para Pink Saturday de Beverly

7 comentarios:

  1. oooh..i love all of your pink pretties...especially the little bear and the ruffled pillow! HPS


  2. HPS! 4th Year!!!

    Hola Charo,

    Me encantan tus diseños rosa. Especialmente el osito, es divino!


  3. Beautiful post !!..enjoy a happy weekend

  4. Such a sensational entry for Pink Birthday!

    Please come and link at my Color Connection meme through my PINKentry, hope you'll join the fun!

  5. Charo, You have lovely pinks. I really like your inspiration board. Have a happy Pink Party!


  6. Felicidades por esos cuatro años!!
    A por ortos cuatro mas.....por lo menos!!

  7. Such a perfect PINK post for PS!! Thanks for sharing!

    Quick reminder ~ my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY is on Friday, June 8th. Would love it if you could join us!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, me animas a seguir adelante.