Rescaté este florero de angelito, que lo tenía por allí amontonado, para darle una nueva cara, él estaba pintado en un dorado antiguo.
I have this little angel vase, I decided to revamp it; he was old gold colored.

Decidí darle un aire diferente más hacia el estilo Estilo Shabby Chic, lo pinté en blanco, con la técnica del pincel seco y he aquí el resultado.
I decided to change it and give a different look, to the Shabby Chic style, I painted in white using the dry brush technique, and this is the result.
Le puse unas siempre vivas (Linomium Sinuatum), para darle el toque final.
I put some wavy leaf sea-lavender (Linomium Sinuatum), to get the final touch.

I love anything with cherubs on it! You did a beautiful makeover on this!
ResponderEliminarBig Hugs,
Angelic Accents
You did such a wonderful job with this! I can just see it all gold - what a lovely change!